Yes! Acupuncture CAN be done without needles.
Have you ever been nervous about acupuncture? Learn about NEEDLE-LESS ACUPUNCTURE and what alternatives can be used instead of needles for acupuncture.
But first…here is the truth about needles: The needles used in acupuncture are very small compared to needles used for getting shots or drawing blood. Six to ten acupuncture needles will fit inside a standard hypodermic needle used for drawing blood. They are very thin and, depending on the style of acupuncture used, can be inserted a couple of millimeters or a full inch into the acupoint. Many people do not feel the acupuncture needles when they are inserted. Those that do feel any discomfort equate it with that of a small pinch during the acupuncture treatment.
However, Needles Do Not Have to be Used in Acupuncture. Some of the other forms of stimulation to acupuncture points include laser light, electrical impulses, firm rubbing or pressure, tapping the point, or taping an object to the point such as a small metal ball.
See the video below to see Needless Acupuncture demonstrated by Dr. Trent Burrup.
To find out more about acupuncture and what conditions it can be used for, please CLICK HERE to visit our Acupuncture Page.