10 Unexpected Benefits of Exercise

Many people hit the gym or pound the pavement to improve cardiovascular health, build muscle, and of course, feel great about how they look, but working out has mental benefits, too. For the past 10 years or so, scientists have studied how exercising can boost mental function. Regardless of age or fitness level (this includes everyone from mall-walkers to marathoners) studies show that making time for exercise provides some serious mental benefits such as:

  1. Reducing stress.
  2. Boosting happy chemicals (exercise releases endorphins!)
  3. Improving self-confidence.
  4. Enjoying the great outdoors.
  5. Preventing cognitive decline as we age.
  6. Alleviating anxiety.
  7. Boosting brainpower (various studies have shown that cardiovascular exercise can create new brain cells!)
  8. Sharpening memory.
  9. Increasing relaxation.
  10. Getting more done (research shows that workers who take time for exercise on a regular basis are more productive and have more energy than their more sedentary peers).


Exercise can have many positive effects far beyond just the physical. Gaining self-confidence, getting out of a funk, and even thinking smarter are some of the motivations to take time for exercise on a regular basis!